Moments With Marti

I love sharing what God has done in my life and the lessons that I have learned from each experience whether good or bad. There are many lessons that I have and am still learning. It's only been by His Grace that I can sit here today and without a doubt know that I am forever secure in His Love.
This blog is simply an avenue for me to share my heart felt thoughts from scripture as well as from my every day moments…My prayer is that there will be a small nugget of hope and encouragement that you can apply to your life as well.
Living By Grace,

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Thursday, December 1, 2016, 03:08 PM
As I was cleaning up around the barn one day, I came across some old horseshoes.  It had been several years since any of our horses required shoes, yet as I picked them up, I knew exactly what horse they came from.  These were no ordinary shoes; no, these had been refined by fire. 
I remember watching as the blacksmith started out with just an ordinary bar of iron.  He would heat it in the forge until it was red hot.  Taking it carefully with tongs, he would remove it and then placing it on the anvil he began to beat it with his hammer. 
Shhh…can you hear it?  “Clang, ding ding.....clang, ding ding…  the iron bounced with each hit of the hammer….. Then back into the fire it would go, and once again to the anvil….
Eventually it was shaped just right, placed in cold water to make it set, and then to the horse’s hoof.  Occasionally it would have to go back into the fire, and then to the anvil until it was just right.
I couldn’t help but think about how I was no different from that horseshoe.  Starting out I was just “ordinary”….no shape to my life and no direction.  As I look back I can see now the many times that God had to keep putting me back in the fire, then allowing me to be placed on the anvil of life.  With each pounding of the hammer I learned how to trust God; how to depend on Him and to have faith in Him.
In what ways have you experienced the
Refiner's fire in your life? 
Have you learned to depend on Him? 
If not....why not?  

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