What I Have Learned

As I share in the heartbreak of my beloved daughter, I am finding that I have been learning MUCH! 

There was a time when I thought that "hate" would be so easy for me to add to my collection of mixed emotions.....I thought that it would be okay. And now, when the opportunity has arrived, I can't find "hate" in my bag of mommy goodies.... Instead, I have found compassion. 

I am learning more and more about "grace" every day. God has shown me His grace, and because of that and the fact that I am one of His children, I too should be showing grace to others as well. Not only when they are "good", but when they are "bad". 

I am learning that God's love for me does not depend on my behavior; not on whether I am "good" or "bad". God's love is consistent. 

I am learning that I should not be teaching my children and grandchildren that "my" love depends on "their" goodness...... Instead, I need to be showing them that no matter what they do, I will always "love" them....I may be disappointed in them; I may be saddened at the choices they make, but I will "always LOVE them". 

So what's next? I shall continue to pray for the person who is breaking the heart of his wife and of his children....I shall continue to love him "anyway" and to show him that no matter how "bad" he is, God loves him and so do I.... 

Thank You Father for the lessons I am learning, and I pray that You will give me the strength to follow You in obedience to Your Word as I apply these lessons to my life... In Jesus' Name....Amen... 

LBG 12/29/2009
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