In The Beginning...... 

 The best place to start is always at the beginning. In 1996 God placed it on my heart that I should share His Grace with others. I love sharing what God has done in my life and the lessons that I have learned from each experience whether good or bad. In the beginning this website was primarily a source of information about Grace and how to live by it. There were Bible Studies as well as other resources to guide those who visit into a deeper relationship with God. However, as the internet continues to grow, there are plenty of great websites for research and study. After much prayer and seeking God's direction, I now share the many lessons that I have and am still learning. It's only been by His Grace that I can sit here today and without a doubt know that I am forever secure in His Love. This website is simply an avenue for me to share my heart felt thoughts from scripture as well as from my every day moments… My prayer is that there will be a small nugget of hope and encouragement that you can apply to your life as well. 

Welcome to Living By Grace 

The Lord Bless You and Keep You
The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26

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