Moments With Marti

I love sharing what God has done in my life and the lessons that I have learned from each experience whether good or bad. There are many lessons that I have and am still learning. It's only been by His Grace that I can sit here today and without a doubt know that I am forever secure in His Love.
This blog is simply an avenue for me to share my heart felt thoughts from scripture as well as from my every day moments…My prayer is that there will be a small nugget of hope and encouragement that you can apply to your life as well.
Living By Grace,

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Friday, November 25, 2016, 11:19 PM | No Comments »
How many times do we ask God to forgive us, only to leave His presence to continue to live in a state of bondage? Yes, we take our burdens to Him but instead of leaving them, with pick them back up and take them with us.
When God forgives, He “forgives”…

Some examples from scripture would be when Jesus healed and forgave, He said to “go and tell”….Who do we tell?
“Others”....anyone we come in contact with. Its simple…just “goand tell”..
Now, what about that sin that’s in our lives that society tells us is “unforgivable”?
Did Jesus not forgive the prostitute? (Luke 7:37-48)
Did Jesus not forgive the adulteress? (John 8:11)
Does Jesus then, not forgive us? (Psalm 103:12)
We say, we know that God has forgiven us, but we still must live out the consequences of our sin. Yes, this is true, however, a consequence of sin is “never” to refrain from “telling”… “Go tell….” Those are Jesus’ exact words, no matter the language, it is still “go tell”..
Matthew 28:1-20… Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

Friday, November 25, 2016, 11:16 PM | No Comments »
Delight yourself in the Lord, and He
will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4 
For years I struggled with keeping my life in balance….my spiritual and physical life.. I have always loved God’s creation and when I first read this passage, I was delighted because the desires of my heart were my horses.  All too often they were “first” in my life.  When God actually became second I would justify that because “didn’t He want to give me the desires of my heart?” 
As the years came and went, my struggle continued. The last two years that I showed my mare, God was very much a part of all I did.  I never began a day with out a time of prayer “first”.  At each show, I took the time to pray before my class; not a prayer to “let me win”, but a prayer to just let me do my best and protect my horse; a plea that all that I do will ultimately glorify God. And then came the time for praise after each class.  I had finally found that balance and as a result, God blessed me by allowing me, at the age of 48, to win our state’s Reining Championship.  Indeed, God had given me the “desires of my heart”…but….there was a bigger lesson for me to learn..
From my Journal:
I can’t believe my heart Lord…today, after all that I have learned from You, still an even greater lesson to be learned.
As I watched her gallop Misty across the pasture I realized where my “true” desires were.  They were not found in the arena, not in ribbons and trophies…not even in a State Championship.  No, none of the “things” that I thought were the desires of my heart actually were.  Lord in all Your wisdom, You have shown me today what the “real” desire of my heart has been.  That being that my daughter share my love of horses…..
For years I tried to force LeAnn to ride, but without success.  She would have nothing to do with the horses other that a grooming here and there and of course, she always helped with the new foals.  But to ride, nope…not interested.  So when she asked if I would mind if she rode Misty today, well Lord, You were there, I couldn’t get to the barn fast enough.
And now to see her enjoying what I enjoy, well, there is no championship that can replace the joy that I feel at this very moment.
So now that I read this scripture again, I understand…I guess I just ignored the first phrase, “Delight yourself in the Lord”…that’s the condition, and then the result, ”and He will give you the desires of your heart”. 
Father in Heaven, I thank you for this lesson from life; I thank You for allowing me to learn it before it was too late.  May I now focus my desires to You Lord…now, may the “desires of my heart” be all that You have for me…
In Jesus’ Name….Amen
© LBG Ministries 2001

Friday, November 25, 2016, 11:10 PM | No Comments »
Thoughts From My Heart..... 
As we enter yet another season called "Christmas", I can't help but to find myself in tears....tears for my Lord...for my Jesus....for my God!!! 
Tell me my friend, just how many people will actually be celebrating Jesus' Birthday this year?  How many folks will be enjoying "HIS" day, giving and receiving gifts without ever acknowledging HIM?!  How many birthday parties have they ever been to where the "birthday boy" never even received ONE gift?
As I spent some "alone time with God" this past week, I was reminded of the greatest gift I was given as a child......I was 13 or 14, don't quite remember, but the memory itself is burned upon my heart for as long as I am capable of remembering....
I wanted a "Transistor Radio" so desperately...."everyone" had one, but at $9.99 they were far too expensive and I knew that it was out of the question.... still..... every time I passed by a store and saw one in the window, I couldn't help but to hope.  My parents both assured me that I needed to ask for something else...
Christmas morning was wonderful.... the whole family gathered around and as we opened our gifts to one another, I had completely forgotten about the desire of my heart...that being the Transistor by one gifts were opened and happiness filled the room.....
As I was picking up wrappings my mother pointed out that there was still one gift left under the I reached for it I realized that there was no tag on it....."who was this for?"  My mom told me that the tag must have fallen off and for me to go ahead and open it to see who it was for.... 
Have you guessed it yet?  You are so right....inside was a beautiful Turquoise Blue (the color of that day!) Transistor Radio!!!  Did I cry? You bet I did....I don't think that I have ever wanted anything more in my life than I did that radio....
So, why am I telling writing all of this???  This is why.......The happiness that filled my heart during that moment was only a "temporary" kind of thing......the years have passed and the radio is long gone.  Today, I can't help but many tears have I cried over the "Gift" that God gave me??? The "Gift" that God gave to you?  The "Gift" that God has given to "whosoever"........???
Each year at Christmas I choose to give something that has eternal value for my loved ones....the children may not understand it while they are young, but as they grow and prayerfully, as they come to Christ, they will understand that the love that I have for them, and the time spent upon my knees in prayer for them, will truly be eternal.... 
Therefore my friend, here is a thought that I’d like to leave with you....
"Let our investment this year be in people…..not in THINGS"....

Thursday, November 24, 2016, 07:14 PM | No Comments »
Well, here we are, "May" already.... the flowers are all in bloom and are exhibiting nothing short of God's glory...Here in East Texas we are now entering in to our "Tornado Season", and oh, so many have their eyes on the skies.... watching for the "signs" of impending weather....
This turns my thoughts to the "why" I watch the skies as well...I'm watching and waiting as patiently as I can for the "impending" return of my Lord Jesus Christ...
Tornados exhibit massive power; there is no way that mankind can control them.  It’s simply a case of being informed in time to take cover.  Just a few days ago, a Tornado ripped through the Middle West, destroying everything in its path as well as nearly forty lives. 
 Again, my thoughts are turned toward Jesus…. will His coming back be like a Tornado?  Scripture tells us that Jesus’ return will be like that of a thief in the night. 
Then as we read on we find in verse 4 this promise:
But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.
Just as the cities and towns here in East Texas and in the Midwest have warning systems of an impending Tornado, God gives us a warning system in His Word as well. 
The question that arises in my mind is this:
Are you aware of the “Warning System” that God gives?
Are you watching the sky for His return?
Are you ready, for the impending return of Jesus Christ???
 For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dad in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever....1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Thursday, November 24, 2016, 07:10 PM | No Comments »
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
Hebrews 11:1
Hebrews 11 is the great “Faith” chapter…Beginning with the definition of faith and working its way through the lives of God’s people, this chapter shows us how their faith was exhibited.
We see Able giving a more excellent sacrifice than Cain; Enoch pleasing God and being translated that he should not see death; Noah acted on faith to something unseen and Abraham acting out his faith by obedience. These are just a few.
Then verse six tells us:  
But without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
And in verse sixteen we see this phrase:  ….wherefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God….
What does that phrase say to you?  
Has it ever occurred to you that God could or even would be ashamed to be called “your” God?  
Does your life exhibit the kind of lifestyle that He would approve of?
"Is" God ashamed to be called “your” God?
© LBG Ministries 2001

Thursday, November 24, 2016, 07:02 PM | No Comments »
August 29, 2005…….
Katrina has just made landfall….no one really knows the extent of damage that will be left in her path of destruction…. With her she brings high winds, raging water, and an eerie “unknown”.
August 30, 2005……
it’s the morning after….everywhere you look, as far as the eye can see, devastation…..the “unknown” has now become a reality that will be with America for years to come…..
As I now join the many others around the world, watching the events unfold, I am witnessing this disaster that is now so painfully written in my mind and on my heart…I see frightened children; I see the elderly; I see the sick and the cripple…
I see those who enjoyed simple luxuries just a week ago…those who have awakened to find themselves now homeless….no electricity, no water, no home, no job, and the list of “no’s” goes on and on….. All the things that are taken for granted on a daily basis have now become, shall we say, a “thing of the past”, or at least for now it is….
With all of this in mind, I can not help but to find my way to scripture… Already I’m hearing folks say, “why me?”, “why this?”, “why God?”
I find great comfort in Luke 22:31 and 32....“Simon, Simon, satan has demanded permission to sift you like wheat; but I have prayed for you, that your faith will not fail…..”
Here we see that satan has come to Jesus and has "demanded permission" to sift Simon Peter like wheat.  This is how I see all these things that are happening now,  in our personal lives and in the lives of other believers...we are being "sifted"......pressed "through" tiny holes....squashed, bruised, battered, cut, and yes, sometimes bleeding, but sifted nonetheless...
Where’s the blessing in all of this?  Where’s our hope? Where is there something the least bit positive? 
Read on…..
 Jesus speaking says, “….but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail…”
 My friend….it just doesn’t get any better than that!  Jesus….God Who came in the flesh, has and IS praying for you, and for me…Why?  So that our faith will not fail…and when we come through the sifter, we will be stronger than ever before….. 
When will the sifting end?  I can’t answer that one, but I do know that I for one am blessed for having gone through each sifter in my life. 
Therefore, as we all share in this current “sifting”, let us lay hold of and claim the promise that Jesus IS praying…..
Lord Jesus, I thank You so much for the sifter…..I thank You that while I am ”in” the sifter, You are praying for me….giving me the strength that I need and the encouragement to see it through.  As well, with this in mind, I now pray for those people that are experiencing the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina….allow them to understand that You “are” there and allow them the strength to reach up to You… While understanding does not always come, I’m asking that acceptance does..
In Jesus’ Name….Amen
"Nothing comes into the life of a Christian
that is not first sifted through the will of God."

Thursday, November 24, 2016, 06:53 PM | No Comments »
In Scripture, we always see “Andrew” bringing someone to Jesus. In the book of John (1:42), Andrew first brings his own brother “Simon Peter” to Jesus; then as we read on in chapter six, he brings a young lad to Jesus as well.  In chapter twelve Andrew is bringing yet some others who’s desire was to see Jesus.

The name “Andrew” means to be “enduring" and/or "brave”, and its no wonder.  The anointing of God was visible in Andrew’s life and he not only spent time with Jesus, but he continually was telling others about the long awaited Messiah.  This took not only "endurance", but in many instances, bravery.

Considering this, my thoughts are directed to my own relationship with Christ.  In what ways am I an “Andrew”?  Or perhaps what the question should be, “am I an ‘Andrew’ at all”?  When was the last time that I brought someone to meet Jesus? In what ways am I allowing Him to use me in His ministry?

This same question is the one that I am posing to you today.  Are you an Andrew?  Are you applying the anointing that God has provided for you, to bring someone to meet Jesus?  As you examine your own heart, won’t you allow the Holy Spirit the freedom to guide you daily as you “go and tell”….


© LBG Ministries 2001


Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 05:08 PM | No Comments »
Jeremiah 29:11-13
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart. (KJV)
God showed me this verse at a time in my life when I thought that my life had no purpose.  The following is what I have learned:
 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you”, saith the Lord.
Who is talking to me here?  The Lord is…He is speaking to me.
What is He saying?  He is telling me that He “thinks of me”, He has plans for me.
What kind of plans? Plans (thoughts) of peace (welfare) and not of evil (calamity); plans for an “expected” end…that means a future and a hope.
Here I see that my life really does have purpose; God has a plan for my life and it’s a good plan. He is telling me that I have a future to look forward to and a hope to cling to.
What must I do?  “Then shall ye call upon Me and ye shall go and pray unto Me and I will hearken unto you.” is God telling me that if I come to Him and pray then He will listen.  Therefore I have a promise to claim…He, the God of all creation, has promise me that if I come to Him and pray, He will listen…..
Last part says: “And ye shall seek me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.
Once again, my heart is challenged…my God is telling me that if I earnestly seek Him, then I will find Him (how?), by seeking Him with “all my heart”!
So what have I learned?  I have learned that God loves me; He has a plan for my life, thus giving my life a purpose; He has promised me that if I seek Him with all my heart and come to Him in prayer, He will listen to me.
Now, what is God saying to you?
© LBG Ministries 2001

Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 05:03 PM | No Comments »
This morning I rode my horse on the land across from our home.  For years I have driven past that same field on my way to work.  That same field with cattle grazing and the creek that overflows with every spring rain. 
I have always been familiar with the houses and the barns; the creeks and the trees.  Everything in its place….just as it has always been from my earliest memories until now.
Today I rode to the far back of this land, to the other side of the hills.  I came up to a pond and then I saw some buildings that I didn’t recognize.  For a moment I had lost my bearings and thought that perhaps I had somehow crossed over to someone else’s land.
The closer I rode to the buildings I soon realized that they were the same buildings that I had known for all these years.  I just never saw them from this viewpoint.  Everything was the same as it had always been…they had not moved or changed, but “I” had.
Immediately I thought about my relationship with God.  He is always the same, He never changes nor does He ever move away from His children.  I wondered, ”is my relationship with Jesus so weak that I wouldn’t recognize Him in  a way I was not used to seeing Him?”  I tend to say that Jesus is like this or like that, but the bottom line is, He is everything..  He does not fit into a mold. 
Where do you see Jesus?  Do you recognize Him when He is working in your life?  Or, do you try to limit His activity by expecting Him to only appear a certain way?  Hmmm….I wonder...…would we recognize Jesus if we were to see Him from a different view?  
© LBG Ministries 2001

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