Moments With Marti

I love sharing what God has done in my life and the lessons that I have learned from each experience whether good or bad. There are many lessons that I have and am still learning. It's only been by His Grace that I can sit here today and without a doubt know that I am forever secure in His Love.
This blog is simply an avenue for me to share my heart felt thoughts from scripture as well as from my every day moments…My prayer is that there will be a small nugget of hope and encouragement that you can apply to your life as well.
Living By Grace,

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Thursday, December 1, 2016, 03:19 PM
Seems like that is the word for the day and perhaps for the new year....SIMPLIFY!   My James and I were discussing this very thing last night and the fact that the "simple life" has become a thing of the past. I'm old enough to remember cow trails that were used for roadways; sitting on the front lawn, sipping iced tea and waving at some folks driving by the old farm house.  Sometimes they would stop their car; leave it in the road, and come over and "sit a spell".  Life was indeed simple back then....folks talked "face to face" and on on Facebook.  Social Networking meant we would  be having a Church Social come next fort night!!
I often think that our Amish friends have it right....theirs is a hard life, yet simple....
With the new year just a few days away, I am looking to new ways to make my life more, shall we say, "simple"....  I can't speak for everyone, but hey, wouldn't it be nice to just stop by and "sit a spell" and enjoy some coffee/tea or Hot Chocolate?

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